Brand name
The sign LUX DIANAE and device is protected as Trademark by the Italian Law n. 30/2005 nn. 20. Any unauthorized use will be pursue as countefeiting."
The works and text here contained are protected by international copyright law and Italian copyright law n. 633 22/04/1941 nn.2 and foll. Any unauthorized use will be pursue as counterfeiting.

Design> Complements> Bagliori> Sospesa 2

6666_lampada_SOSPESA2_emperador dark - 700x500

Sospesa 2

art. 00000306
Design by Maurizio Signorini

sospesa 2

The product in this photo is just an example and can be customized in both size and finishing.

Dimensions and finishes suggested for this products are:

L. 56 – P. 28 – H. 14

Noce Canaletto

noce canaletto


carrara 1

Emperador Dark

emperador dark 2

Giallo Siena

giallo siena 1


portoro 1

Lux Dianae loves to manage the “tailor-made” with a sartorial craftsmanship on the architectural features of her space, satisfying the most demanding customer and always finding the best solution. Different size, shape and finish can be requested by the customer based on a specific proposal.

The will and the experience to always achieve, leads to look at the elegance of a personalized style, according to the range of materials. The attention to detail made of custom furniture made by Lux Dianae of unique pieces.

Production, assembly and packing times: approximately 60/90 days.